- Combine your key file, Certificate file and Intermediate/Chain files into a file named "combined".
- Upload the combined file into /home/username/ssl/, the username here should be your actual cPanel username
- Login to WHM, locate to Home > Service Configuration > Apache Configuration > Include Editor
- In "Pre Main Include" section, under "I wish to edit the Pre Main configuration include file for:", choose "All Versions", paste the following code into "Global" textarea:
ServerName ip_address
DocumentRoot /home/username/public_html
ErrorDocument 400 "https://ip_address
<IfModule ssl_module>
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /home/username/ssl/combined
Make sure to replace username with your cPanel username and ip_address with your own IP address. - Repeat step 4. in "Pre VirtualHost Include" section
- Click "Update" button and restart Apache.
- Paste the same code into "Global" textarea in "Pre VirtualHost Include" section. under "I wish to edit the Pre VirtualHost configuration include file for:" choose "All Versions". Make sure to replace username with your cPanel username and ip_address with your own IP address. Click "Update" button and restart Apache.
- If everything done properly, you should be able to visit your IP with https without issue.
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