The MX record points to the server that accepts email for your domain. In order for us to issue the certificate, you need to create an MX record that points to 12SSL. You don't need to do so if you can validate your domains on your own.

  1. Log in to your DNS hosting company's control panel.
  2. Remove any existing MX records.
  3. Create a new MX record with the following field values (the field names may differ for different control panels):
    • DNS name or Host: leave this field empty or enter @
    • Value:
      (The dot at the end of the server name is required if your control panel doesn't add it automatically.)
    • Priority: 1.
    • TTL: 7200 0r 600.
  4. Wait for the changes to take effect in the DNS. It may take DNS servers up to 24 hours to exchange the updated DNS records.
  5. We will issue your SSL certificates once your MX records verified.
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